Unconscious Bias Training

Unconscious Bias Training

Around the world, leaders are responding to the negative impacts of employee exclusion, by prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their organizations. One tool that has been widely used is unconscious bias training. At Tessi Consulting, our top-notch, personalized diversity and inclusion training courses can help tackle unconscious bias in your workplace. Find out more below.  

Understanding Unconscious Bias Training

Bias is a preconceived inclination towards or against an individual or a group. Unconscious bias training is designed to increase mindfulness about the shortcuts we mentally take that bring about impulsive judgments of someone’s abilities or character, usually based on factors like gender and ethnicity. The aim of unconscious bias training is to help employees at every level recognize, comprehend, and surmount unconsciously biased attitudes and conduct in the workplace, including decisions on recruiting and promotions, as well as daily interactions with coworkers and customers.

Studies have revealed that unconscious bias in the workplace can manifest in various ways, such as implicit age bias, gender bias, and affinity bias. In fact, over 150 types of unconscious workplace biases have been identified by researchers! These biases can be based on a person’s educational background, geographical history, accent, political sentiments, seniority, relationship status, personality type, and even communication style.

Benefits of Unconscious Bias Training

Unconscious bias training helps individuals to become more conscious of their biases and provides them with tools and techniques to minimize the impact of their snap judgments and decisions. This can lead to a safer and more respectful workplace. Specific benefits of unconscious bias training include:

  • Raising awareness of one’s biases, often through the use of diagnostic tools such as Implicit Association Tests.
  • Providing individuals with strategies to adjust their habitual thought tendencies and reduce the influence of bias on their decision-making.
  • Addressing systemic bias by changing organizational behaviors and decision-making procedures.
  • Re-examining recruiting practices and career advancement criteria to ensure they are fair and equitable.
  • Building a diverse and dynamic staff that can contribute well to important decisions.

How Our Professionals Can Help with Unconscious Bias Training

At Tessi Consulting, our unconscious bias training course equips participants with strategies and tactics to mitigate deep-seated biases and foster progressive outlooks and mindsets. The course encompasses a range of techniques, such as replacing stereotypes with more accurate perceptions, adopting alternative perspectives, initiating candid conversations, implementing small but impactful micro affirmations, and setting realistic targets for change.

We also offer actionable steps that employees can take to promote diversity in their workplace. Some of these steps include diminishing the use of labels and wide-ranging generalizations, confronting snap judgments and assumptions, and setting ground rules during discussions to make sure everyone’s opinions can be voiced. 

Why Choose Tessi Consulting?

Tessi Consulting offers training on different types of implicit biases to help companies foster strong diversity and inclusion. We help senior executives comprehend the beauty and importance of equity as well as its impact on their company plans, activities, and policies. Our goal is to help your organization become a leader in DEI within your industry and beyond!

For more information about our unconscious bias training for your organization, do not hesitate to contact us or call us at (617) 564-3331 today.