Inclusive Leadership Evaluation

Inclusive Leadership Assessment

Tessi Consulting is dedicated to improving and strengthening diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within organizations. Our DEI expertise is honed to provide laser-focused support to our clients. We offer professional DEI assessments and audits that will highlight strengths and improvement areas of your existing policies, while also collecting DEI information to develop a sure-win DEI strategy tailored to your business needs One of the DEI services we offer is inclusive leadership assessment. Discover more about this service below.

Understanding Inclusive Leadership Evaluation

Achieving a fully inclusive organization requires rapid and large-scale change, which begins by cultivating inclusive leaders. These leaders possess the aptitude to establish emotional connections with different groups, are culturally adaptable, exhibit curiosity, and can harness their company’s diverse talents to drive better decision-making.

Inclusive leadership assessment is much more than simply gauging one’s level of open-mindedness. Rather, it encompasses a series of disciplines and qualities that can be developed and put into practice. Inclusive leaders work to build strong relationships and establish trust with their teams. They acknowledge and appreciate diverse thinking and learning styles, and they actively search for and invite individuals from different backgrounds to contribute their perspectives. In addition, they systematically practice inclusivity in all aspects of their work, such as when making recruiting choices or allotting career advancement opportunities.

Benefits of Inclusive Leadership Evaluation

An assessment of inclusive leadership can aid leaders in:

  • Comprehending the definition of inclusive leadership and which behaviors are important
  • Gaining insight into how inclusive other employees perceive their leadership to be
  • Committing to daily steps that promote better inclusive leadership
  • Determining the company-wide requirements for leadership development
  • Measuring their progress towards inclusivity over time in a quantifiable manner.

How Our Professionals Can Help with Inclusive Leadership Evaluation

Tessi Consulting specializes in assessing and cultivating inclusive leadership skills across all levels of an organization, from top executives to frontline supervisors. We achieve this by designing and implementing comprehensive learning programs that empower your team to foster behavioral changes for our diverse society. Our inclusive leadership diagnostic tool will provide you with a space to reflect on the extent to which your actions contribute to a diverse and inclusive work environment.

The evaluation process will help by prompting you to reflect on your leadership decisions and actions in the workplace. It helps you to assess the frequency with which you exhibit inclusive behaviors. At the conclusion of the assessment, we will provide you with practical recommendations on how to cultivate more inclusive conduct in yourself and others.

Why Choose Tessi Consulting?

At Tessi Consulting, we are committed to promoting inclusive leadership that contributes to the betterment of companies and society as a whole. Our approach to assessing and training leaders is founded on our expansively researched character profile of a strong inclusive leader, which we have developed through countless years of information-gathering and analyses of thousands of leadership evaluations. Ultimately, our inclusive leadership evaluation and training can help your business to build a stronger brand reputation, gain a competitive advantage, and attract top talent.

For more information about our inclusive leadership evaluation for your organization, do not hesitate to contact us or call us at (617) 564-3331 today.