Multiethnic Group Seminar Training Boardroom Concept

Chief Diversity Officer – CDO Coaching

Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) coaching is a service offered by Tessi experts focused on enhancing the skills, knowledge, and effectiveness of a CDO, SVP, VP, or Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion function. It typically involves one-on-one sessions with one of our professional coaches who has expertise in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies.The coach works with the senior executive to develop strategic plans, manage change, build relationships with stakeholders, and implement programs that promote diversity and inclusion in the organization. They may also provide guidance on addressing specific challenges, such as overcoming resistance to diversity initiatives or addressing unconscious bias.

Benefits of CDO coaching include:

  1. Enhanced DEI Strategy: Our coaches can provide an external perspective and insights to help the CDO design and implement an effective DEI strategy.
  2. Improved Leadership Skills: The coaching process can help the CDO improve their leadership abilities, enabling them to lead DEI initiatives more effectively and inspire others in the organization to support these initiatives.
  3. Increased Resilience: Our coaches can help the CDO build resilience to cope with challenges and resistance that may arise during the implementation of DEI initiatives.
  4. Development of Metrics and Measurement: Coaches can aid in the creation of clear, measurable objectives, helping to assess the impact of DEI initiatives and make necessary adjustments.
  5. Personalized Development: As coaching is often personalized, it can address the specific needs, objectives, and challenges of the CDO, leading to more effective results.

Building a Culture of Inclusion: With improved strategies and leadership, the CDO can effectively influence the organizational culture to be more inclusive and respectful of diversity.