Do you feel your organization already has effective DEI strategies in place? Then again, perhaps you could use a little advice when it comes to training program selections, and what types of DEI training professionals you should be seeking. Is your company prepared to move forward, creating a diverse company culture that will consider the mindset, preferences, ages, beliefs, and more regarding your current and future employees? In truth, the number of companies that feel they have adequately addressed diversity in the workplace is only one in five. That’s unacceptable in today’s diverse work climate.

The following will help in creating the DEI strategy your company needs to effectively move forward with cohesion and productivity, and with the promotion of a diverse company culture. Consider it a “how-to guide”, more or less.

Define the DEI Vision of Your Organization

What are your current processes regarding DEI? Take stock of them. What will you achieve, in the future, if you broaden your horizons? More importantly, at least for the immediate future, is this: Where do I start advancing my company’s DEI?

Ideally, what will your hiring process look like? What are its current limitations and how do you eliminate them?

Create a DEI Strategy with Your Partners

For a little guidance during your DEI journey, you’ll want to be sure to work with the right kind of training professionals. You will, in essence, be developing a partnership with your DEI consulting firm. A crucial success factor is a firm that not only consults but challenges you as you develop your DEI strategy and implement it.

The right consulting firm will use best practices, their knowledge, expertise, and experience when collaborating with you. They will support your vision and understand the unique opportunities and challenges involved within your organization and industry.

Ensure Equity, Agency, and Transparency

To bridge the DEI gap, two great tools include AI and skills. But of course, there is more. A hiring process that is inclusive should additionally be equitable and transparent and – for all applicants – have a sense of agency. On the same footing as everyone else, all prospective employees want to feel like they’re starting the process without issues. So they can be a successful applicant, they need to have all the right tools.

Use a Skills-Based Approach

Instead of traditional indicators (academic achievements, work experience, etc.), focus on skills. This will help to open doors for prospective employees from various backgrounds and naturally diversify your talent pool. This helps to level the playing field and reduce unconscious biases. It will also be easier to evaluate subsequent assessments and standardize interviews (when a consistent approach – based on the skills of your team players – is used).

Start Your Organization’s DEI Transformation with the Tessi Consulting Team

You could likely use a bit of assistance in creating the DEI strategy that will best serve your organization. 

With the assistance, training, and coaching from the Tessi Consulting team, your organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion can be advanced exponentially. Even if you’re not sure how to start, we can walk you through the process from beginning to end. Represent the underrepresented demographics of your company. Create a sense of diversity within your organization. Don’t wait another minute to step up to the plate by effectively beginning the DEI transformation of your organization.

Contact us today to get started. You can reach us by phone at 617-564-3331 or send us an email at

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