Within our country’s workplaces, DEI conversations – diversity, equity, and inclusion – are rumbling. In some respects, the civil rights movement is experiencing a resurgence. Diversity in the workplace must be addressed and tackled head-on. Without sincerity and thoughtfulness, however, the DEI strategy of a company can backfire, leading to distrust from customers and employees.
It is essential that the appropriate kind of diversity training programs be offered to today’s workforce members. Hiring the right firm with DEI training professionals who are highly educated, professional, and competent is crucial. What’s more, a number of training program selections should be offered. Any chosen, standard diversity and inclusion training program isn’t, necessarily, a one-size-fits-all.
Here are some mistakes to avoid when it comes to inclusion and diversity training programs.
Evolve from from “Culture Fit” to “Culture Add”
During the hiring process, many times, a “culture fit” is sought out. What does that mean? It works from an “a person like us” mindset. A workplace that is lacking in an inclusive, equitable, and diverse culture will only be further harmed by this way of thinking.
You’re supposed to be creating a diverse culture within your company – not finding someone whom you can slot into the limited culture you’ve been operating under.
Don’t Avoid the Allocation of Proper Resources
Hiring individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, religions, etc. is great. However, the success of these efforts will suffer if proper support isn’t insured.
First of all, of course, you must make sure that they’re qualified for the position. That aside, however, you also have to make sure of the following once they are hired:
- They have true organizational influence or play an actual, essential role.
- Make sure they do the best work possible with the budget they are allowed (the budget is enough).
- Be sure they are receiving an appropriate salary.
- Ensure that they have appropriate funding for any projects assigned to them.
When Deciding Where to Start, Don’t Avoid Data-Driven Decisions
Not sure how to focus your inclusion, equity, and diversity efforts? One critical resource in your determination could be employee surveys. Employee engagement survey data will help management figure out where changes need to be made, but management must be able to understand and read the data.
With this type of data, you can figure out what’s not working, what is working, and better ways to formulate a strategic plan.
Don’t Ignore Definitions
Straight-up definitions of certain terms or words can change once they are applied to the context of your organization. You’ve heard terms like antiracist, inclusion, equity, and diversity countless times. But if your team members and management aren’t aware of how these terms are used within a diversely cultured organization, they are useless, empty words. You can’t develop a unique workplace DEI plan without a full understanding of what these words mean within your company.
Don’t Fail to Acknowledge What You’re Doing Right
You’ve heard the saying: “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” That even applies to business and workplace inclusivity and diversity.
Try to identify what you’re doing right before you tackle the project of completely reinventing the wheel. Perhaps you have the framework already in existence with which to execute an organizational DEI transformation – it simply hasn’t been effectively communicated internally or fully utilized.
Does your workforce already have, available to them through your organization, bias training programs or employee resource groups? If so, make sure your team knows how to take advantage of them.
Avoid Training Program Mistakes – Get Your Training Through Tessi Consultants
Don’t wait another day to begin your company’s DEI transformation. Avoid the mistakes other companies may have made by not getting diversity and inclusion training for their team members from our trusted firm.
Contact us today to get started. You can reach us by phone at 617-564-3331 or send us an email at info@tessiconsulting.com.