Happy Earth Day! Learn How Your Business’s Carbon Footprint Impacts Our Planet And How To Reduce It

Does your organization do all it can to reduce its carbon footprint effects on the planet? Does it save energy whenever possible? Does it waste energy? 

Keep reading for some pointers as to how to lessen carbon footprint effects where your business is concerned.

Why Should a Business Worry About Its Carbon Footprint?

Half of a company’s carbon footprint is typically comprised of the energy it uses. Could your company be doing more to minimize its carbon footprint? Is this even a question that needs to be considered? 

Realistically speaking, there are a number of reasons why companies may want to jump aboard the “save the environment” train. Here are just a few:

  • Decrease the company’s environmental burden
  • Decreased energy bills
  • Companies who concentrate their efforts on operating in an environmentally friendly manner appeal to a wider range of prospective clientele – people like it when a company cares about their customers, animals, the planet, children, etc.

How to Reduce Carbon Footprint Impact

Most of the following deal with energy consumption and energy savings, but all are important for working toward the reduction of your organization’s carbon footprint:

  • Whenever allowable, consider printing on both sides of the paper rather than wasting an entire empty side.
  • Put together a recycle bin at work. The following items are recyclable: Cardboard, newspaper, office paper, glass, plastic, and aluminum cans. 
  • Change over all of your lightings (wherever possible) to CFLs (compact fluorescent light bulbs). These can last 10 times longer compared to incandescent bulbs and use 75% less energy.
  • Encourage employees to take the stairs if they can. Electricity is consumed by elevators.
  • When your employees are away from their computers, encourage them to power them down. A computer left on screen saver or on “idle” still uses electricity. In fact, a computer uses 65% less energy when it’s turned off periodically compared to one that’s left on all day.
  • If something isn’t being used, unplug it whenever possible.
  • If a climate control system is active, make sure windows are closed.
  • Rather than setting your company’s climate control system exorbitantly high or low, find a middle-of-the-road setting that uses less energy.
  • Leaving the room? Shut off the lights!

Personal Ways to Lower Carbon Footprint Impact In the Home

In addition to helping your company diminish its carbon footprint, there are many ways you can help reduce your own. Here are some suggestions:

  • Rather than taking the car, consider the bus, a bicycle, or walking to and from work. Carpooling is another good idea.
  • By donating the following, you will promote the reuse of unused school supplies, cleaning supplies, clothing, furniture, chargers, cell phones, etc.
  • Recycling can be done at work but also at home. As a reminder, the following are recyclable: Cardboard, newspaper, office paper, glass, plastic, and aluminum cans. 
  • Cut back on your shower time. We are not suggesting that you avoid showers altogether, just spend a little less time under the showerhead.
  • Rather than underloading your washing machine, make sure you have a full load every time you run it. Use cold water whenever possible.

Doing the Right Thing – Reduce Your Carbon Footprint, Promote DEI Within Your Organization, etc.

In addition to lessening the carbon footprint created by your organization, you can further operate as a responsible entity that strives to do the right thing by beginning and promoting the DEI transformation of your company. It’s important, particularly in today’s workforce, to advance a business’s diversity, equity, and inclusion.

To help you in your endeavor, the Tessi Consulting DEI training professionals can assist you in creating a sense of inclusion for your organization. Ask about our training program selections – one of which will be perfect for your company.

Contact us today to get started. You can reach us by phone at 617-564-3331 or send us an email at info@tessiconsulting.com.