Bias Training In The Workplace Learn The Major Benefits

Bias training in the workplace can minimize individual prejudices by encouraging employees to recognize their own behaviors and circumstances where bias develops. When bias develops, it can lead to favorable outcomes or negative consequences. However, most employers want to steer away from setting foot on negative consequences as it can lead to an unsafe work environment. Unconscious bias, which stems from social stereotypes can shape an individual’s perception of others inaccurately. Some types of unconscious bias include age bias, racial bias, gender bias, among others and can lead to an unproductive work culture where workers do not feel motivated to produce in an environment as such. However, did you know that bias training in the workplace has its advantages? Continue reading to find out more about its major benefits.

Unconscious Bias can Increase Self Awareness

The first step to solving a problem is being aware that a problem exists. Similarly, bias training begins by creating awareness. A key aspect of training is when participants realize that it has the potential to affect their behavior outside of their conscious awareness, despite not actively acting on prejudices. Bias training in the workplace can also help surface biases that employees were unaware of.

Tools for Behavioral Change

During bias training, participants are also exposed to practical steps that reduce the likelihood of their decision-making and interactions with people who differ from them. They are also participants who would also be trained to acquire new mindsets and opinions.  

A Decrease in Prejudice Led Behaviors

When their unconscious biases are brought to light, employees will be more aware the next time they act on their prejudice. They can slow down, be more grounded, rely on their intellect, and make logical decisions. It allows them to do better and be better. They can be trusted not to act on autopilot, with their prejudices as the captain, as they aim not to let their biases affect their workplace relationships and cause harm to those around them.

The working environment must support positive change as society advances and changes to become more inclusive. Bias training enables this positive change as it is rooted in recognizing unconscious biases and the steps one can take to overcome them, ultimately building towards an inclusive and safe workplace environment. 

Unconscious Bias Can Lead To An Unsafe Work Environment

Unconscious bias refers to stereotypes or preconceived notions that a person might have of different groups of people without being aware of it. When people act on or apply stereotypes to colleagues or clients at work, it can result in unfair treatment and discrimination.  

The are several forms of unconscious bias that commonly exist in the workplace. According to research, employees who feel discrimination against them in their workplace environments are three times more likely to be disengaged and likely to leave their jobs within a year. It has been said that there are over 180 biases; this demonstrates how easy it is to form a judgement on people who are different, as people would often favor their ingroup. The adverse effects caused by unconscious biases cannot be understated. 

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Here at Tessi Consulting, we strive hard to promote work environments in which all employees can bring their complete selves to work and succeed. We specialize in assisting businesses to thrive. Tessi’s staff have extensive expertise in coaching, communications, transition management, and diversity and inclusion across a wide range of businesses and sectors. To find out more about what we do, visit our website today or contact us for more information!